Package 'hubData'

Title: Tools for accessing and working with hubverse data
Description: A set of utility functions for accessing and working with forecast and target data from Infectious Disease Modeling Hubs.
Authors: Anna Krystalli [aut, cre] , Li Shandross [ctb], Nicholas G. Reich [ctb] , Evan L. Ray [ctb], Consortium of Infectious Disease Modeling Hubs [cph]
Maintainer: Anna Krystalli <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2025-02-23 05:33:12 UTC

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Coerce data.frame/tibble column data types to hub schema data types or character.


Coerce data.frame/tibble column data types to hub schema data types or character.


  skip_date_coercion = FALSE,
  as_arrow_table = FALSE,
  output_type_id_datatype = c("from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer",
    "logical", "Date")

coerce_to_character(tbl, as_arrow_table = FALSE)



a model output data.frame/tibble


a list version of the content's of a hub's tasks.json config file created using function hubUtils::read_config().


Logical. Whether to skip coercing dates. This can be faster, especially for larger tbls.


Logical. Whether to return an arrow table. Defaults to FALSE.


character string. One of "from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer", "logical", "Date". Defaults to "from_config" which uses the setting in the output_type_id_datatype property in the tasks.json config file if available. If the property is not set in the config, the argument falls back to "auto" which determines the output_type_id data type automatically from the tasks.json config file as the simplest data type required to represent all output type ID values across all output types in the hub. When only point estimate output types (where output_type_ids are NA,) are being collected by a hub, the output_type_id column is assigned a character data type when auto-determined. Other data type values can be used to override automatic determination. Note that attempting to coerce output_type_id to a data type that is not valid for the data (e.g. trying to coerce"character" values to "double") will likely result in an error or potentially unexpected behaviour so use with care.


tbl with column data types coerced to hub schema data types or character. if as_arrow_table = TRUE, output is also converted to arrow table.


  • coerce_to_hub_schema(): coerce columns to hub schema data types.

  • coerce_to_character(): coerce all columns to character

Collect Hub model output data


collect_hub retrieves data from a ⁠<hub_connection>/<mod_out_connection>⁠ after executing any ⁠<arrow_dplyr_query>⁠ into a local tibble. The function also attempts to convert the output to a model_out_tbl class object before returning.


collect_hub(x, silent = FALSE, ...)



a ⁠<hub_connection>/<mod_out_connection>⁠ or ⁠<arrow_dplyr_query>⁠ object.


Logical. Whether to suppress message generated if conversion to model_out_tbl fails.


Further argument passed on to as_model_out_tbl().


A model_out_tbl, unless conversion to model_out_tbl fails in which case a tibble is returned.


hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)
# Collect all data in a hub
hub_con %>% collect_hub()
# Filter data before collecting
hub_con %>%
  dplyr::filter( %>%
# Pass arguments to as_model_out_tbl()
dplyr::filter(hub_con, %>%
  collect_hub(remove_empty = TRUE)

Load forecasts from in hubverse format


collect_zoltar retrieves data from a project and transforms it from Zoltar's native download format into a hubverse one. Zoltar (documentation here) is a pre-hubverse research project that implements a repository of model forecast results, including tools to administer, query, and visualize uploaded data, along with R and Python APIs to access data programmatically (zoltr and zoltpy, respectively.) (This hubData function is itself implemented using the zoltr package.)


  models = NULL,
  timezeros = NULL,
  units = NULL,
  targets = NULL,
  types = NULL,
  as_of = NULL,
  point_output_type = "median"



A string naming the Zoltar project to load forecasts from. Assumes the host is .


A character vector that specifies the models to query. Must be model abbreviations. Defaults to NULL, which queries all models in the project.


A character vector that specifies the timezeros to query. Must be yyyy-mm-dd format. Defaults to NULL, which queries all timezeros in the project.


A character vector that specifies the units to query. Must be unit abbreviations. Defaults to NULL, which queries all units in the project.


A character vector that specifies the targets to query. Must be target names. Defaults to NULL, which queries all targets in the project.


A character vector that specifies the forecast types to query. Choices are "bin", "point", "sample", "quantile", "mean", and "median". Defaults to NULL, which queries all types in the project. Note: While Zoltar supports "named" and "mode" forecasts, this function ignores them.


A datetime string that specifies the forecast version. The datetime must include timezone information for disambiguation, without which the query will fail. The datatime parsing function used below (base::strftime) is extremely lenient when it comes to formatting, so please exercise caution. Defaults to NULL to load the latest version.


A string that specifies how to convert zoltar point forecast data to hubverse output type. Must be either "median" or "mean". Defaults to "median".


Zoltar's data model differs from that of the hubverse in a few important ways. While Zoltar's model has the concepts of unit, target, and timezero, hubverse projects have hub-configurable columns, which makes the mapping from the former to the latter imperfect. In particular, Zoltar units translate roughly to hubverse task IDs, Zoltar targets include both the target outcome and numeric horizon in the target name, and Zoltar timezeros map to round ids. Finally, Zoltar's forecast types differ from those of the hubverse. Whereas Zoltar has seven types (bin, named, point, sample, quantile, mean, median, and mode), the hubverse has six (cdf, mean, median, pmf, quantile, sample), only some of which overlap.

Additional notes:

  • Requires the user to have a Zoltar account (use the Zoltar contact page to request one).

  • Requires Z_USERNAME and Z_PASSWORD environment vars to be set to those of the user's Zoltar account.

  • While Zoltar supports "named" and "mode" forecasts, this function ignores them.

  • Rows with non-numeric values are ignored.

  • This function removes numeric_horizon mentions from zoltar target names. Target names can contain a maximum of one numeric_horizon. Example: "1 wk ahead inc case" -> "wk ahead inc case".

  • Querying a large number of rows may cause errors, so we recommend providing one or more filtering arguments (e.g., models, timezeros, etc.) to limit the result.


A hubverse model_out_tbl containing the following columns: "model_id", "timezero", "season", "unit", "horizon", "target", "output_type", "output_type_id", and "value".


## Not run: 
df <- collect_zoltar("Docs Example Project")
df <-
  collect_zoltar("Docs Example Project", models = c("docs_mod"),
                        timezeros = c("2011-10-16"), units = c("loc1", "loc3"),
                        targets = c("pct next week", "cases next week"), types = c("point"),
                        as_of = NULL, point_output_type = "mean")

## End(Not run)

Connect to model output data.


Connect to data in a model output directory through a Modeling Hub or directly. Data can be stored in a local directory or in the cloud on AWS or GCS.


  file_format = c("csv", "parquet", "arrow"),
  output_type_id_datatype = c("from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer",
    "logical", "Date"),
  partitions = list(model_id = arrow::utf8()),
  skip_checks = FALSE

  file_format = c("csv", "parquet", "arrow"),
  partition_names = "model_id",
  schema = NULL,
  skip_checks = FALSE



Either a character string path to a local Modeling Hub directory or an object of class ⁠<SubTreeFileSystem>⁠ created using functions s3_bucket() or gs_bucket() by providing a string S3 or GCS bucket name or path to a Modeling Hub directory stored in the cloud. For more details consult the Using cloud storage (S3, GCS) in the arrow package. The hub must be fully configured with valid admin.json and tasks.json files within the hub-config directory.


The file format model output files are stored in. For connection to a fully configured hub, accessed through hub_path, file_format is inferred from the hub's file_format configuration in admin.json and is ignored by default. If supplied, it will override hub configuration setting. Multiple formats can be supplied to connect_hub but only a single file format can be supplied to connect_mod_out.


character string. One of "from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer", "logical", "Date". Defaults to "from_config" which uses the setting in the output_type_id_datatype property in the tasks.json config file if available. If the property is not set in the config, the argument falls back to "auto" which determines the output_type_id data type automatically from the tasks.json config file as the simplest data type required to represent all output type ID values across all output types in the hub. When only point estimate output types (where output_type_ids are NA,) are being collected by a hub, the output_type_id column is assigned a character data type when auto-determined. Other data type values can be used to override automatic determination. Note that attempting to coerce output_type_id to a data type that is not valid for the data (e.g. trying to coerce"character" values to "double") will likely result in an error or potentially unexpected behaviour so use with care.


a named list specifying the arrow data types of any partitioning column.


Logical. If FALSE (default), check file_format parameter against the hub's model output files. Also excludes invalid model output files when opening hub datasets. Setting to TRUE will improve performance but will result in an error if the model output directory includes invalid files. Cannot be TRUE when there are multiple file formats in the hub's model output directory or when the hub's model output directory contains files that are not model output data (for example, a README).


Either a character string path to a local directory containing model output data or an object of class ⁠<SubTreeFileSystem>⁠ created using functions s3_bucket() or gs_bucket() by providing a string S3 or GCS bucket name or path to a directory containing model output data stored in the cloud. For more details consult the Using cloud storage (S3, GCS) in the arrow package.


character vector that defines the field names to which recursive directory names correspond to. Defaults to a single model_id field which reflects the standard expected structure of a model-output directory.


An arrow::Schema object for the Dataset. If NULL (the default), the schema will be inferred from the data sources.


  • connect_hub returns an S3 object of class ⁠<hub_connection>⁠.

  • connect_mod_out returns an S3 object of class ⁠<mod_out_connection>⁠.

Both objects are connected to the data in the model-output directory via an Apache arrow FileSystemDataset connection. The connection can be used to extract data using dplyr custom queries. The ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ class also contains modeling hub metadata.


  • connect_hub(): connect to a fully configured Modeling Hub directory.

  • connect_model_output(): connect directly to a model-output directory. This function can be used to access data directly from an appropriately set up model output directory which is not part of a fully configured hub.


# Connect to a local simple forecasting Hub.
hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path, output_type_id_datatype = "character")
# Connect directly to a local `model-output` directory
mod_out_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple/model-output", package = "hubUtils")
mod_out_con <- connect_model_output(mod_out_path)
# Query hub_connection for data
hub_con %>%
    origin_date == "2022-10-08",
    horizon == 2
  ) %>%
mod_out_con %>%
    origin_date == "2022-10-08",
    horizon == 2
  ) %>%
# Connect to a simple forecasting Hub stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
## Not run: 
hub_path <- s3_bucket("hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/simple/")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)

## End(Not run)

Create a Hub arrow schema


Create an arrow schema from a tasks.json config file. For use when opening an arrow dataset.


  partitions = list(model_id = arrow::utf8()),
  output_type_id_datatype = c("from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer",
    "logical", "Date"),
  r_schema = FALSE



a list version of the content's of a hub's tasks.json config file created using function hubUtils::read_config().


a named list specifying the arrow data types of any partitioning column.


character string. One of "from_config", "auto", "character", "double", "integer", "logical", "Date". Defaults to "from_config" which uses the setting in the output_type_id_datatype property in the tasks.json config file if available. If the property is not set in the config, the argument falls back to "auto" which determines the output_type_id data type automatically from the tasks.json config file as the simplest data type required to represent all output type ID values across all output types in the hub. When only point estimate output types (where output_type_ids are NA,) are being collected by a hub, the output_type_id column is assigned a character data type when auto-determined. Other data type values can be used to override automatic determination. Note that attempting to coerce output_type_id to a data type that is not valid for the data (e.g. trying to coerce"character" values to "double") will likely result in an error or potentially unexpected behaviour so use with care.


Logical. If FALSE (default), return an arrow::schema() object. If TRUE, return a character vector of R data types.


an arrow schema object that can be used to define column datatypes when opening model output data. If r_schema = TRUE, a character vector of R data types.


hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
config_tasks <- hubUtils::read_config(hub_path, "tasks")
schema <- create_hub_schema(config_tasks)

Create a model output submission file template


[Defunct] This function has been moved to the hubValidations package and renamed to submission_tmpl().


  required_vals_only = FALSE,
  complete_cases_only = TRUE



A ⁠⁠<hub_connection⁠>⁠ class object.


a list version of the content's of a hub's tasks.json config file, accessed through the "config_tasks" attribute of a ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ object or function hubUtils::read_config().


Character string. Round identifier. If the round is set to round_id_from_variable: true, IDs are values of the task ID defined in the round's round_id property of config_tasks. Otherwise should match round's round_id value in config. Ignored if hub contains only a single round.


Logical. Whether to return only combinations of Task ID and related output type ID required values.


Logical. If TRUE (default) and required_vals_only = TRUE, only rows with complete cases of combinations of required values are returned. If FALSE, rows with incomplete cases of combinations of required values are included in the output.


For task IDs or output_type_ids where all values are optional, by default, columns are included as columns of NAs when required_vals_only = TRUE. When such columns exist, the function returns a tibble with zero rows, as no complete cases of required value combinations exists. (Note that determination of complete cases does excludes valid NA output_type_id values in "mean" and "median" output types). To return a template of incomplete required cases, which includes NA columns, use complete_cases_only = FALSE.

When sample output types are included in the output, the output_type_id column contains example sample indexes which are useful for identifying the compound task ID structure of multivariate sampling distributions in particular, i.e. which combinations of task ID values represent individual samples.

When a round is set to round_id_from_variable: true, the value of the task ID from which round IDs are derived (i.e. the task ID specified in round_id property of config_tasks) is set to the value of the round_id argument in the returned output.


a tibble template containing an expanded grid of valid task ID and output type ID value combinations for a given submission round and output type. If required_vals_only = TRUE, values are limited to the combination of required values only.

Create expanded grid of valid task ID and output type value combinations


[Defunct] This function has been moved to the hubValidations package and renamed to expand_model_out_grid().


  required_vals_only = FALSE,
  all_character = FALSE,
  as_arrow_table = FALSE,
  bind_model_tasks = TRUE,
  include_sample_ids = FALSE



a list version of the content's of a hub's tasks.json config file, accessed through the "config_tasks" attribute of a ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ object or function hubUtils::read_config().


Character string. Round identifier. If the round is set to round_id_from_variable: true, IDs are values of the task ID defined in the round's round_id property of config_tasks. Otherwise should match round's round_id value in config. Ignored if hub contains only a single round.


Logical. Whether to return only combinations of Task ID and related output type ID required values.


Logical. Whether to return all character column.


Logical. Whether to return an arrow table. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Whether to bind expanded grids of values from multiple modeling tasks into a single tibble/arrow table or return a list.


Logical. Whether to include sample identifiers in the output_type_id column.


When a round is set to round_id_from_variable: true, the value of the task ID from which round IDs are derived (i.e. the task ID specified in round_id property of config_tasks) is set to the value of the round_id argument in the returned output.

When sample output types are included in the output and include_sample_ids = TRUE, the output_type_id column contains example sample indexes which are useful for identifying the compound task ID structure of multivariate sampling distributions in particular, i.e. which combinations of task ID values represent individual samples.


If bind_model_tasks = TRUE (default) a tibble or arrow table containing all possible task ID and related output type ID value combinations. If bind_model_tasks = FALSE, a list containing a tibble or arrow table for each round modeling task.

Columns are coerced to data types according to the hub schema, unless all_character = TRUE. If all_character = TRUE, all columns are returned as character which can be faster when large expanded grids are expected. If required_vals_only = TRUE, values are limited to the combinations of required values only.

Connect to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket


See arrow::gs_bucket() for details.


A SubTreeFileSystem containing an GcsFileSystem and the bucket's relative path. Note that this function's success does not guarantee that you are authorized to access the bucket's contents.


bucket <- gs_bucket("voltrondata-labs-datasets")

Compile hub model metadata


Loads in hub model metadata for all models or a specified subset of models and compiles it into a tibble with one row per model.


load_model_metadata(hub_path, model_ids = NULL)



Either a character string path to a local Modeling Hub directory or an object of class ⁠<SubTreeFileSystem>⁠ created using functions s3_bucket() or gs_bucket() by providing a string S3 or GCS bucket name or path to a Modeling Hub directory stored in the cloud. For more details consult the Using cloud storage (S3, GCS) in the arrow package.


A vector of character strings of models for which to load metadata. Defaults to NULL, in which case metadata for all models is loaded.


tibble with model metadata. One row for each model, one column for each top-level field in the metadata file. For metadata files with nested structures, this tibble may contain list-columns where the entries are lists containing the nested metadata values.


# Load in model metadata from local hub
hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
load_model_metadata(hub_path, model_ids = c("hub-baseline"))

Print a ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ or ⁠<mod_out_connection>⁠ S3 class object


Print a ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ or ⁠<mod_out_connection>⁠ S3 class object


## S3 method for class 'hub_connection'
print(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mod_out_connection'
print(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)



A ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ or ⁠<mod_out_connection>⁠ S3 class object.


Logical. Whether to print the full structure of the object. Defaults to FALSE.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


  • print(hub_connection): print a ⁠<hub_connection>⁠ object.

  • print(mod_out_connection): print a ⁠<mod_out_connection>⁠ object.


hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)
print(hub_con, verbose = TRUE)
mod_out_path <- system.file("testhubs/simple/model-output", package = "hubUtils")
mod_out_con <- connect_model_output(mod_out_path)

Connect to an AWS S3 bucket


See arrow::s3_bucket() for details.


A SubTreeFileSystem containing an S3FileSystem and the bucket's relative path. Note that this function's success does not guarantee that you are authorized to access the bucket's contents.


bucket <- s3_bucket("voltrondata-labs-datasets")

# Turn on debug logging. The following line of code should be run in a fresh
# R session prior to any calls to `s3_bucket()` (or other S3 functions)
bucket <- s3_bucket("voltrondata-labs-datasets")